
Quad leper darkest dungeon
Quad leper darkest dungeon

  • The mere fact that the memetic Quad Leper build, normally considered a joke because it consigns the half of the party in the back ranks to uselessness and relies on the least accurate attacks in the game to do damage, is actually shockingly viable against the Shuffling Horror, which scrambles a player's party arrangement.
  • Some of the hero composition builds can be funny simply from how the game really doesn't expect you to stack 4 of the same hero, so you get things like Crusade or Clown Car builds.
  • You can also have a Hero with Known Cheat and Skilled Gambler, or more insultingly, Known Cheat and Bad Gambler. It is possible to, for example, have a character be repeatedly seduced by the magic of the Siren, and then gain Nymphomania and Love Interest at the end of the run, or a hero coincidentally getting the runs when a bas relief's "dark power" surges through them.
  • You can get some just bizarre results from the RNG going.
  • quad leper darkest dungeon quad leper darkest dungeon

    Narrator: Impressive haul! (sheepishly) If you value such things.

    Quad leper darkest dungeon